Last week I took a morning stroll through the far end of the property to see how things were coming along in the area we don’t visit often. I was pleased to see how prolific the native grass germination was through most of the field. Patience is a challenge. I am eager to see how this will all look in its maturity, but that is a couple of years away.

White prairie clover is growing in several places around the field, but it is prolific in the sandy soil at the far end of property. It is a beautiful shade of green.
The Emily Dickenson poem comes to mind:
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
Emily Dickinson
One clover and a bee.
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
If bees are few.

Yellow is the dominant color in the field these days. Sunflowers of various sorts are raising their heads.